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Protecting Your Personal Data While Dating Online

 A hand holding a smartphone Protecting your personal data is important when finding love over the internet.

There are a lot of facts about online dating that you may need to know. One of them is that it’s generally safe, and it might even lead to a long, satisfying, and happy relationship. But you should also know about protecting your personal data because your personal data is kind of an important thing.

Those who are currently on online dating sites are hoping to find someone to love. But the problem therein lies in the fact that some people may be somewhat careless with their personal data while on the internet, not to mention that some of the best free online dating sites may be lax about their security protocols.

Lax security protocols can mean that the data that these websites collect may be accessed by people who are not affiliated with them. Hackers may be able to find their way around these lax security protocols and mine the information that they want and do with that information what they will.

Now, that’s not something that you would want, right? You don’t want your personal information getting out there to those unsavoury types because that can lead to things like identity theft, which can be pretty inconvenient.

After all, when you go on a dating app, you’re doing so because you want to find somebody to love, not because you want to spend hours on the phone with your bank disputing charges made with your credit card.

So you’re really going to want to protect your personal data. It’s something that is of paramount importance whenever you're on the internet. But not everyone knows how to protect themselves. In fact, for a lot of older people, it is difficult to navigate the internet at all.

It’s extremely important for people to take care of themselves, just to keep their financial information safe and secure. As such, here are some basic and important tips to keep in mind:

  1. Never Give Out Passwords
  2. In movies, when hackers want someone’s password, they type away on a keyboard and then say something along the lines of "I’m in," or something to that effect. While that type of hacking is certainly possible, most hackers go for a simpler, more direct route; they simply trick people into giving up their personal information.

    One way for them to do so is by pretending to be technical support personnel from a website, stating an issue that needs to be resolved and that they’re going to need some personal information in order to resolve the issue. If this happens, go to their website, contact their customer service, verify if there is an issue, and if the people reaching out to you are affiliated with them.

  3. Use a Trusted Website
  4. One of the pitfalls of online dating is the sheer number of options available for the lovelorn. There are so many websites, but some of them may not be up to par with the rest of them, and may not be all that great to sign up with.

    So when you are looking for a platform on which to find love, browse through a few online dating articles to find legitimate sites that help their users end up in long lasting relationships and get these users their money's worth.

  5. Public Perception
  6. Sometimes, people use the internet when they’re not at home. Sometimes, they’re out and about and they’re on a dating app. A lot of the time, people use their data when they’re out and about, and sometimes they use public WiFi networks.

    Now, public WiFi networks are pretty great. They offer decent internet service to a wide array of people, many of whom may not have access to the internet. In a world that is becoming more and more digital, access to the internet is fast becoming as much a necessity as a phone line or cable. It’s not as important as power, shelter, gas, or groceries, but it is definitely a utility.

    But public WiFi networks have a drawback - they’re public, which means that anyone with a device can use them, and sometimes, the people who use them do not use them to access the internet per se, but rather to access the devices accessing the internet.

    Now, there are a few ways to protect your personal information when you need to use a public WiFi network, and one of the most common ways is to use a Virtual Private Network, or a VPN, which is great for protecting the data on your device.

    Now, most VPNs do charge a fee because protecting your personal data isn’t exactly free. In addition, the small fee will more than likely be a lot less than what an identity thief will charge to your card or siphon from your account.

  7. Know Who You’re Talking To
  8. It’s not just hackers that you have to look out for on a dating site. You also need to look out for catfishes, people who are going to pretend to be someone they're not in order to get something out of you.

    They’ll do this by pretending that they care about you, and then when you’re on the hook, they’ll start with the taking and the taking and the taking. They’ll keep asking for more, more, more, and you’ll end up with a drained bank account, possibly even some debt, and worse, a broken heart.

  9. Exercise Good Judgment
  10. The thing about dating online is that when you sign up with a certain site, you’re going to have to surrender some personal information. It’s kind of like when you shop online; you have to enter your payment information as well as your address so that you can purchase the item, and the merchant will know where to ship it to.

    So keeping all of that information private can be pretty hard. Some people get around the payment information thing by getting a prepaid credit card and the address thing by using a P.O box that is not the address in which they reside.

    Staying completely safe on the internet is not fully possible because staying completely safe in general is also not fully possible. There’s always an element of risk. The chances of danger can be low, but they won’t ever be zero.

    But there are steps that can be taken to minimize that risk, steps that can help with protecting your personal data while you’re on the internet for dating. So keep these tips in mind and always be vigilant.

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